August 2017

Hello everyone!
We’ve been enjoying the wonderful rain. The plants have been taking off…and of course so have the weeds. To me, some of the mornings already seem to have a fall chill to it.

Fall lessons started at the beginning of August and we’re getting back into the swing of things.  I wanted to let everyone know about the 4th annual Chamber Music Festival. The main organizer Adrienne Hickey has spent a lot of time and effort in getting musicians, rehearsing with them, and organizing the many tiny details in putting on an event like this one. So, if you’re looking for something to do next Saturday evening, come and enjoy the sound of Brahms, Telemann, and Vivaldi at the Sierra Vista Methodist Church at 6pm.

Until next time, Maranatha

6 thoughts on “August 2017

  1. Lisa

    Zinnias attract the most beautiful butterflies! Looking at this beautiful photo reminds me I didn’t sit in the garden enough! And thanks for letting us know about the Chamber Music Concert! It was fabulous!


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