Greetings from beautiful spring Arizona. This last week seems to have been cooler but summer temperatures are not far away, I’m sure. Here is a link to an interesting article that one of my student’s parents shared with me. When you first glance at the title you might wonder, but another music teacher wrote something that many music teacher’s probably have come in contact with or will at sometime. But it’s interesting to read for teachers, parents, and students alike. https://www.blairacademyforthearts.com/why-you-are-wasting-your-money-on-music-lessons/
The Sierra Vista Symphony’s next concert is coming up here pretty quick. April 16th at 7pm at the Buena Performing Arts Center.
The youth orchestra students are getting ready for their spring concert which will be on May 4th, 7pm.

At the time of this picture, the youth orchestra was rehearsing together for their performance in the 2nd annual fundraiser concert. All three groups played together!
Hope to see you there! Sincerely, Maranatha Struse
Very good article, the problem often times is that parents think if they take the child to lessons, they are doing their part, when the truth is if they spent just a few productive minutes with their child practicing, making sure they get a few basics, and show interest, the child most often succeeds. Parents remain the driving force behind any endeavor.
Thanks for reading and stopping by my blog! -Maranatha