Hello everyone,
Hope had her senior recital on December 28, 2014.
She had around an hour of music, followed by speeches from Debbie Dinkel, Adrienne Hickey, CMTA members; Mrs. Stahl, her very 1st piano teacher;Dr. Bernier, her current teacher, and our Dad. Afterwards we enjoyed the reception which Mom, us girls, and a couple friends made. Hope had an audience of about eighty seven. I also posted videos in previous posts of the performance.
Enjoy the pictures. Sincerely, Maranatha Struse

Hope Struse

The chairs are ready!

Some of the yummy refreshments


Hope, Maranatha, Mom, Hannah

Mrs. Stahl, Hope’s first piano teacher; Hope; Kiyono Bernier, Hope’s current teacher

Folding programs

Hope and Hannah playing “The Swan”. See the blog post Hope Struse Senior Recital on You Tube for videos of the performance.

Hope and Maranatha playing Vocalise

The audience.

The Struse Family
Noah, Maranatha, Hope, Hannah, Zane, Mom, & Dad.