Spring Music Post from Maranatha

Although it’s not officially summer yet, some of these Arizona days sure feel like it. Anybody have vacation plans for summer break or just going to enjoy some time off? I had great aspirations to get a blog post out before many of the music recitals so I could put the upcoming dates in my post, but it just didn’t happen. It was a busy few weeks. Way back in March, I had four students compete in the Inge Young Competition. They did very well. Rachel and Essie placed first in their division and Hannah and William placed second in their division.

My music semester finished out with a spring recital at Kino Hall! Good job to all my students who got up on stage and performed…even if you were nervous.

It’s a ways off, but the Sierra Vista Symphony concert will be on Saturday, October 7th. One of the pieces on our list will be the Hallelujah Chorus including community singers. I’m excited to play it with everyone and hear how it’s going to sound.

I started up summer lessons a couple weeks ago but still have some spots available if you’re looking to take some music lessons during the summer.

I hope everyone has a great weekend….until next time!


4 thoughts on “Spring Music Post from Maranatha

  1. Karen Stahl

    Glad all your musical adventures are working out, Maranatha! We’re headed to Vermont for a 50th reunion of the Trapp Family Lodge staff at the end of June. I’ll attend a Suzuki Harp workshop near Denver in July, and we’re planning on a kayaking trip to the San Juan Islands (north of Seattle) in August. A full, but happy summer!

    Greet your family for me1

    Karen Stahl

  2. Dawn Long

    As always recitals are inspiring, looking to the future generation of musicians. Enjoyed and was so encourage by the progress of all the students.


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