Monthly Archives: November 2014

Upcoming December Events

Cotton-wood leaves, photo taken on November 29th.

Cotton-wood leaves, photo taken on November 29th.

Hello subscribers,
Here are just a few events that will be happening in December! Sincerely, Maranatha Struse


December 3rd 7pm at Kino Hall
Cochise County Youth Orchestra will present their winter concert. There is no admission fee, but they ask for a canned good that will be donated to Calvary’s Rock Church Food Closet.

December 14th, 4:30 at Kino Hall
My students will perform a couple pieces each for my winter studio recital.

December 21st 7pm at St. Andrew’s Catholic Church
The Sierra Vista Community Christmas Choir will present the Advent and portions of Handel’s Messiah.

December 28th 7pm at Kino Hall
My sister Hope will present her senior recital including such composers as: Bach, Rachmaninoff, and Chopin. She will play piano and cello.