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They have Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced






Video Links

Here are a few links to youtube videos of recitals and concerts that I have performed in or that I think are interesting.

Click the title to follow the link to youtube.

Winter Concert-Sonshine Ensemble
On February 22, 2015, we performed our winter repertoire at Mountain View Gardens.

Spring 2014 Concert-Sonshine Ensemble

On May 18th, we performed our spring concert at Mountain View Gardens. One week later we performed at the Gadsden Hotel in Douglas. At the hotel, we played on top of the main stair case (below the two smaller staircases).


Maranatha Struse Senior Recital

On April 28, 2013, I performed my senior recital at Kino Hall. I had 70 pages of music memorized.


4th Annual Autumn Grace Recital

On November 7, 2011, our family had our annual fall recital which family and friends perform in. Several of my students also participated. The recital was on our back porch with about 90 people onlooking.


Winter Concert 2011 Semester-Sonshine Ensemble

On January 8, 2012, we had our winter semester concert. Our semester started in August. It was too cold to have it on the porch, so we crowded into the living room. Two of my students performed.


Spring Concert 2012 Semester-Sonshine Ensemble

On April 15, 2012, we had our spring concert. It was a little cold but we had a lot of peopl coming and needed to have it outside. By 3:00, it had warmed up a bit. I had 3 violin students and 1 piano perform. I also performed my Nocturne in Eb Major by Chopin on piano.