How I Get
Have you heard of David Allen and the "Getting Things Done" (GTD) methodology?
If not, then read on. If yes, please comment below and let me know how you apply it!
The underlying premise behind the methodology is this.
You need to separate the act of CAPTURING, ORGANIZING, and DOING your tasks.
It's much more complex than this, but I'll distill it down to 5 key points you can apply TODAY.
1. The second you're told about a task you have to perform, IMMEDIATELY STORE it somewhere. Write it down on paper, your notes app, wherever is convenient.
Don't waste your brain's processing power on storage. Save that power for engaging and acting on your tasks.
2. Once you start building a list of tasks, ORGANIZE them by priority at a certain point of the day.
I usually look through all my stored, unorganized tasks right before I get to work. Then I look at each task and ask myself:
"Do I need to get this done NOW, or can this be done later?"
Label your tasks as either:
>> "Now" - tasks you need to do ideally within your current work period
>> "Next" - tasks you need to do, but aren't as urgent as the "Now" list and can be done the next day
>> "Later" - tasks you need to do, but aren't urgent at all
3. After organizing your tasks, start ACTING on the "Now" list.
Make sure you go through each and do them until they're finished, leaving nothing undone.
By organizing your tasks in Step 2, your brain will have more functioning space to do your "Now" tasks - instead of having to think of "what else do I have to do?"
You now have CERTAINTY of what you should be doing RIGHT NOW.
4. While you're working, if someone comes in and bugs you with a task - DO NOT STOP WORKING UNLESS SOMEONE DIES IF YOU DON'T.
Trust me, a lot of things in life aren't as urgent as we think it is.
That message can wait. If it's related to what you're doing, DO NOT STOP at the middle of your task. Complete it, and before your next task, you can check the message and CAPTURE and ORGANIZE it.
DO NOT ACT ON IT yet even if it ends up on your "Now" list. Continue your flow of tasks before you got that message.
5. Evaluate your lists and move tasks as needed. I usually do at the start of each day, where I look at my "Now", "Next", and "Later" list to see which of my "Next" tasks are now "Now" tasks, or which of my "Later" tasks are now "Next" tasks. short items to wear of the wedding
Then re-label accordingly, and repeat accordingly.
The key behind GTD is to really CLEAR UP YOUR BRAIN'S SPACE by capturing everything you have to do, then organizing it.
Once you do both, "getting
done" becomes easy to do because you have a clear idea on "what to do".
Don't leave it in your head. You could be using that space to think better, get stuff done faster, and be more creative.
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