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RFIR Host; Brian, Steven, Angela and April
Join RFIR on Thursday, July 20th from 7-9 p.m. EST., 6-8 p.m. CST., 5-7 p.m. MST., 4-6 p.m. PST. for Episode 80 – A Case of a Parent’s Worst Nightmare! Ladies & Gentlemen, we have a treat and a heart wrenching case to discuss. We will be joined in studio by a wonderful friend & fellow activist who will be helping us to conduct this interview with our featured guest. You will have to listen in to find out who this special guest host is. If you already know, Shhhhhhhh! Don’t spill the beans!
We will also be joined in studio by our featured guest. From Norfolk, VA, a father of 3 daughters, Zachariah Hoffer. As we dive into Zach’s 11-year battle & learn of the corruption within, you will want to have box of tissues next to you. Zach’s oldest daughter at the age of 18 had been murdered by a known criminal. Someone her mother knew & brought into her life. Yet, the system turned a blind eye to the parental alienation conducted by the mother & allowed the children to be in a dangerous situation. All over the globe, children are being alienated morally by a vindictive, narcissistic & vengeful parent. After much research & joining in with other parents fighting the same system, Zack has come to realize that more & more cases like or similar to his are coming out of the woodworks. Parents world-wide are starting to speak out against the abuse of power, judicial overreach & lack of due process. The advice Zack has for the listeners is to put faith in the lord Almighty. If you see another parent struggling, battling the corrupt system, help lift them up & encourage them to speak out. Spread the word by calling into radio stations, sending letters to your representatives, join local protest (make every effort to join the Million Parent March in September) & to pray. golden colored items to wear in the formal occasion
You can listen to the live show by clicking on this link above or by calling the show at 619-924-9885. If you wish to take part in the discussion or have questions for the staff or guest, call in and press #1 to be screened. As always, please be respectful to the staff and guest.
Similar cases that have recently been in the news and each of these cases is utterly tragic and could have been prevented.:
Anjelica Hoffer, Jayden Glomb, Alexis Stubbs, Jennifer Delgado, Micah and Olivia Gee, Jaelen and Faith Edge, Giovanni Mejias, Evalynn Arnold, Bella Bond, Latania Carwell, Xavier Satchel, Chadney and Kara Allen, Koi and Kaleigh Green, and the list goes on.
Some police changes that could possible help in ending the corruption and from another child death.:
- ALL STEP-PARENTS seeking adoption must have a BACKGROUND CHECK done (currently almost NONE do). HOME STUDIES, which examine the family dynamics, MUST also be done.
- ALL STEP-PARENTS must submit to BACKGROUND CHECKS and PARENTING CLASSES, when family of the child, or a governmental agency requests it.
- The FAMILY LAW code, specifically the "Best Interest" list for consideration of custody, should include 'THE PEOPLE THAT A PARENT BRINGS AROUND THE CHILD'. There should be a list of qualities to consider, including the length of time the parent has known them, other 'similar' people brought around the children, character of the person, way of meeting the person, amount of time that person is around the children, etc...
- GOVERNMENT AGENCIES NEED EDUCATION on the realities of family and psychological dynamics. One solution I propose is setting up an Advisory Council (composed of voluntary citizens who are professionals/trained in the field of psychology, social work, law, and even medical professionals and parent/family advocates. This council can distribute current information on a regular basis.
- GOVERNMENT AGENCIES NEED ACCOUNTABILITY. A Regulatory Board can be set up (composed of a similar - if not the exact same - group of people as the Advisory Council) to mandate the education, accept complaints from the public, and make court proceedings transparent to the public (without violating privacy issues).
- PARENTING CLASSES should be MANDATORY for HIGH SCHOOL graduation. Not only will parenting be discussed, but the issues surrounding parenting and families should be brought out. This includes step-parents and other people brought around the children, example stories, Parental Alienation and using children as pawns to punish the other parent, manipulating the legal system, false accusations, lying, manipulating, various forms of child abuse, child support, and many other topics. The students should be able to discuss freely at times as well.
The Family Court experience needs to be conducive to solutions:
- INFORMATION should be made available in the court waiting areas. Volunteers and/or city workers should be readily available to advise citizens. Internet should be available. A Family Law library should be available.
- The SEATING should be more comfortable and conducive to production.
- SECURITY GUARDS should be dressed as MONITORS and not police and should be HIGHLY TRAINED.
- PARENTING CLASSES should be MANDATORY when participating in any custody or other proceedings.
The Family Court is the most important court of the land because of the impact it has on citizens, yet it is treated as the toilet bowl of our government.