Sometimes no matter how much you love someone you have to walk away... You will never have peace if you stay and keep putting up with it.... Love yourself enough to walk away love yourself enough to know you deserve better love yourself enough to know violence is not love that emotional abuse is not love someone controlling you is not love.... Love and respect yourself enough to let go and gain all your really deserve cause what you deserve is love, loyalty, respect, honesty. In a years time I have been belittled and degraded I've been cheated on I've been put in a position where I was not allowed to work, I have been put in mental facilities on a man's bogus word on multiple occasions so he could go mess around, I couldn't leave the house and go for a walk without the police getting called. I began having seizures soon after we got married which are all stress induced. I've cried myself to sleep more times than I can count, I've laid in bed and begged God to let me die in my sleep. But finally I got the strength and courage to walk away cause no one deserves that.... I wouldn't wish that life of my worst enemy.... It's never to late to start over it's never to late to be happy.... BUT.. if you stay and continue to let it happen it will only get worse then one night it is going to go to far and it will be too late... Please walk away before it's too late! No one deserves to be abused! DressAfford teal color pieces for formal occasion