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I had heard that this could happen but I told Haydn that she was NOT to get it as there are other far more life-threatening consequences but this would be completely devestating to any young woman (or man, as in Canada aparently they've been giving it to young men and teenagers too - is that right Jen Smith ?) hoping to have a family....omg!!!!

"Gardasil Question!
I am writing about something shocking that I just found out about. I apologize ahead of time because it's a long story.
I turned 30 earlier this month. About a month ago I went to the ob/gyn for my annual well-woman check up. I've been having some weird symptoms -- irregular periods, hot flashes, irritability, etc. Also, after having no trouble getting pregnant with our first two kids, my husband and I have been trying to have a third for a couple of years without success.
Anyway, the doctor ran a complete lab workup on me, and we were shocked to find out that I literally have no eggs left! At 30! The doctor told me that it was something called premature ovarian failure. He said it could be due to a variety of things, including genetics -- but women on both sides of my family had children well after 30. He also said it could be an autoimmune disorder in which the body attacks its own tissue -- in this case, the ovaries. But he had no way of telling me why I came down with it. We eat VERY cleanly and I've always been extremely healthy. He said the condition is incurable, and all he can offer me right now is hormone replacement therapy. DressAfford cheap formal dresses for juniors
My husband and I are devastated. We really wanted a third baby, and that's not going to happen. I've been thinking about this for a while, and doing some research, and I think perhaps this could have been called by Gardasil. I received the shots before I left for college, and frankly I never had any issues with it. But it's the only thing I can think of.
Have any of you heard of this happening? Do you know of any Gardasil groups that are really good? I am just starting on this journey, and I need some support. I'm going to post this in a couple of other groups I'm a member of, as well. Thank you in advance! "

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