Plz read it atleast one tym,,,,,,,,,,,, Bangladeshi girl's upper body has been ravaged
Left in unbearable pain, the right side of her chest has turned completely brown
And her right hand, which is infested with parasites, is growing uncontrollably
Bizarrely, the other side of her chest appears unaffected by the rare condition
But doctors remain adamant the disease has spread through her entire body
These shocking images depict the plight of a 12-year-old girl who is slowly being transformed into a tree.
Known only as Muktamoni, the Bangladeshi girl's upper body has been ravaged by 'tree-man' disease, local reports suggest.
Left in unbearable pain, the right side of her chest stretching down to her hand has turned completely brown - resembling that of bark.Her hand, which is infected with parasite, also appears to be growing uncontrollably, curling up and making it impossible for her to use Dress Affordable purple items to wear of the cocktail