The culprit which causes thrush in infants and babies is a fungi, commonly Candida albican. This fungus usually resides and lives in the intestines.
Typically, if Canida fungi and E. coli bacteria in the gut are balanced, it will not cause any trouble for the infants. However, in certain cases, the use of antibiotics is also one of the reasons for developing candidiasis or for children with weakened immune systems, it can cause the risks of furry tongue. Dress Affordable dark green colored items to wear for prom
When the tongue is furry due to fungi, it will appear white spots which are similar to milk residues on the surface of the tongue. The baby will get pain, leading to anorexia.
When there are signs that your baby may get thrush, you should take them to see the doctor. The doctor may give the baby some antibiotics to drink to kill the fungus that causes thrush.